Monday, 2 December 2013

毛毛鬼记 之爱护动物 ♥



Pinkie在今年的十一月满四岁了~不知不觉她已经陪了我们一家人四年~时间真的过得好快~爸爸有时都不相信她已经四岁了~带毛毛鬼去看医生时问了这个年纪是不是算老了~医生说不是~是成年~老的话要到六七岁~可是我还是很怕~很怕她会离开我的那一天~我一想就会想要哭~就像现在~又想要哭了~> 。< 有养毛小孩的都懂这种感觉吧~






这张照片是带她去餐厅吃饭时拍的~是不是很可爱!!Look at her puppy eyes!!OMG!!
服务生还很贴心地拿baby chair给她~魅力无法挡!!哈哈

其实很不明白为什么有一些人就是不能接受把狗狗带到餐厅去~我们的国家也有限制狗狗进出的法律~在外国狗狗得到的待遇是十分好的~哪里像我们这里~  >. >

♥ 。♥怎么可以这么可爱!!! 小时候她很爱这样四脚朝天给我们抱抱~就像抱小孩那样~可是她现在不让我们这样抱了~T.T 那天去公园看到狗狗朋友这样抱她的毛小孩很是羡慕~唉~~


这就是我家的另外两只毛小孩啦~Brownie(Mini Pincher)和 Sugar(German Shepherd)。毛毛鬼和Brownie是好朋友~她却很讨厌Sugar,还试过跑出去跟身躯庞大的Sugar单挑~
我妈慌张地把她拉进来~>.<" 好笑又好气~
她的嘴巴沾上了鸟毛了~超可爱的~♥ 。

我换了hypoallegic的饼给Pinkie~也定时喂她吃药~有发现她的耳朵没那么粗~有点好转了~然后打算带她去复诊时~狗友有介绍另外一个兽医~所以打算带Pinkie去看另外一个兽医~其实只有毛毛鬼的耳朵有好转而已~其他的还没看到效果~给她吃止痒的药~可是好像都没效~她还是一直地搔痒~还会搔到流血~我也很勤力地上网搜寻资料~看要怎么样照顾她~也买了一个soft collar给她戴~可是好像买小了~应该买大一点的~因为她还是咬得到脚趾~
哈哈~她第一天戴时超emo的~可是现在渐渐适应了~我前几天才换了狗饼给她~其实想换生食(Raw Foods)给她~看网上的评语都很好~而且狗狗的yeast也很快都被医好了~但生食怡保才有卖~只好先在金宝买salmon狗饼给她~过后有空再去买~之前毛毛鬼腿上没毛时是吃salmon饼好的~过后我换了几种给她~这次决定换回salmon地看会不会好起来~

毛毛鬼的专长是粘人~> 。< 家里最粘的人应该是我爸爸了~我妒忌~~她会守着我们睡觉~尤其是爸爸~有时爸爸叫我们叫他醒~我们一靠近~就会被一只毛毛鬼疯狂地吠了~是陌生人的话我觉得她会咬人吧~哈哈

那天她特别粘我的三妹(Megan),她开心死了~哈哈 因为Pinkie很少粘这个妹妹或者最小的那个~
毛毛鬼专长2,抢人家的沙发或床位~哈哈 她会硬挤去你的旁边~然后睡在那里~是睡神来着~

腿短的家伙~哈哈 腿毛还是很稀疏~可是比起以前真的好很多了~

Pinkie超爱乘车出门~会自己上车~让我们头痛的是~她喜欢坐在驾驶位那里~=.="试着把它绑在后座~可是她吵到不行~一直哭~只好让她照自己想做的去做> 。<



Thursday, 28 November 2013

First VSecrect Haul

Anyone else is excited for Victoria's Secret show that going to on air on Dec 10th? 

I have seen all the outfits through Instagram, but photos can't fix my cravings!!! I'm so upset Miranda Kerr is not walking this year and she quit as an angel though. She is my bias !! ♥ 

So I was super duper excited Victoria's Secret is opened in Gurney Paragon. They sells only accessories. I went there during the date with Ying, Suen and Momo. Thank you my girls for waiting me patiently and gave me opinions, I spent a lot of time in there to make decision, they have got too many choices for us! My eyes get confused by looking at them. LOLL

Let pictures speak.

OMG! I like this lotion so much! Smell real damn good!

      Details.♥ I took so long for choosing my ideal one over almost 10 plus designs on display.  This set is limited edition, simple yet pretty.

Phone case.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Hair Diary II

Finally here it is!! haha
My first hair post is Hair Diary.
I have dragged this post for so long. :( I snapped some of the pictures few months ago as thinking of sharing my hair care experience right away, but busy schedule killed off the mood from me. Anyway, hope can solve all your doubts about hair as there're quite number of you did asked me how to take care of hair. Still I'm not an expert , I'm just here sharing my own experience and some useful tips to you all. XD
 Momo helped me to snap this few months ago, I have cut my hair shorter approximately a month ago, so my hair length a month ago was definitely longer than this.
 Momo tied this for me. I saw a tutorial posted online then I tried to tie it myself, but due to it's too complicated ,I failed. So I asked help from Momo, and she made it!! haha 
This braid is so elegant isn't it? Although it's a bit messy =p I didn't apply any styling products on my hair.

And this is my current hair length! This was snapped right away in my room after coming back from the salon. The color I dyed is Platinum Matt from Shisedo which was chosen by my hairstylist. 

I totally had no idea what color should I dye, I want it darker or else just go extremely light. This color came out quite impressive, it's dark but not boring at all.

 My mum went to dye her hair in this color a week after. haha 
My hairstylist dyed my hair by parting them into sections to create natural highlights. You could barely see the green highlights between my hairs.
This was taken this afternoon, color fades and it turns out quite bright under sunlight. I wanna try blonde someday in the future. haha 

oh ya, thinking of cut my hair short next year. hmmm~~I'm keeping my fringe long now, this is the second time I keep it long,as expected, I want to cut it so badly. LOL When I have bang, I want to keep it long. This is what we called "woman". 

Ma Cherie is finally available in Malaysia in the mid of the year! They are so popular and highly rated by bloggers overseas. But I think it is OVERRATED. I got these in Guardian, they are only available in selected Guardians in Malaysia. 

My only concern is oily scalp. That's why I got most of them in Air Feel. I have finished the air feel shampoo and currently using Moisture Shampoo that surprisingly results so much better than the air feel one. I haven't touch the conditioner and treatment though. As currently I'm using Tsubaki Conditioner which its result given is comparable with hair mask, and also Tsubaki Head Spa once a week.
As for treatment, I do it once a week too. I run out my Origins one by the way so I purchased this hair spray(left) and treatment(right)at Shins. I seldom use the spray, I bought it just for in case I need it. You can find Shins in most of the mall, they sell mostly hair products. 

It was recommended by the promoter, what made me decided to purchase this is the sticker "Bazaar Beauty Award Winner". haha I'm not kidding or bluff, the impressive results of this treatment would make you want to scream. I left it for 45  minutes then wash off. My hair is so ~~smooth and silky after using it and could barely tie up my hair due to the crazy smoothness, oh, not forget to mention its delightful and long lasting scent.

Many of you envy thin, limp and smooth hair, it does bring concerns like more times need to be consumed to tie up hair because it's too smooth and the curls might not last longer, it goes all straight awhile after  like you never style it before. ><" 

 Many people insist to save money from buying treatment as they think treatment is unnecessary. Buy one now and prove yourself,  you're wrong.

I almost run out the Davines treatment oil. It lasts me so long and it would be my favourite hair oil forever !! I love it so much!!! 
I got this organic hair oil as the spare one. My hairstylist recommend this to me, I didn't bring enough amount of money then I said ok, you keep one for me I will come tomorrow. But after much consideration, I decided to repurchase the Davines one.However, my mum bought this back after she went back from the salon. I didn't tell her nor the hairstylist that I changed my mind, so she bought this back. I'm fine with this, it's quite amazing, it's just i prefer the scent of Davines treatment oil.
My mum also got this shampoo for me. It's impossible for me to bring my Ma cherie shampoo all the way back to my home right, haha This shampoo is quite expensive, I wanted to buy it but I stayed back because it is really expensive, I keep stealing the shampoo from another bathroom in my house to use,haha I own a bathroom in my room while my family members use the another one. My mum realized it and she got one for me. The bottle is really huge and tall as well, loll 

This brand is quite well known in Taiwan right now, it can be seen appears all over the magazine. It's so good and refreshing !! You just need a very little amount of it, very user friendly.
It balances the oil in our scalp while strengthen and volumize our hair ! It totally fulfills all my requirements!! It smells so nice too!! Perfect!


1.  Don't save your money for good quality shampoo, conditioner/hair mask,treatment and hair oil.

2.  Use hair mask instead of conditioner. (I have been doing this since I was little.)

3. Let your hair dry naturally,DO NOT BLOW DRY every time after your hair wash.Do not rub, give your hair a quick pat down. 

4. Trim your hair regularly. DO NOT KEEP NAGGING your hair is dry and frizzy while you don't want to cut it. As our hair grow longer, the lesser the nutrition it could get from our scalp.

5. DO hair scalp cleansing and spa once a week. Our scalp is like soil. Well fertilized soil grows healthy plants. 

6.  Apply hair oil that could protect your hair from UV rays.

7. DO NOT DYE YOUR HAIR SO OFTEN. I dye my hair once every 4 months.

8.  Style your hair naturally to avoid heat. Repeatedly styling could damage your hair. DO NOT TIE your hair tightly.

9.  Buy a good brush to brush your scalp and hair.

10. Eat healthy. 

Hope you enjoy it and get all the possible information that you want to know. Peace !!


Monday, 4 November 2013

Victoria Rossa x Namoo

Hahaha, this post is so overdue. 
About a month ago,I  had a date with my girls that live in BM in Penang. It was so exciting and anticipating  as it was my first time to date with them in our hometown after knowing each others for almost 2 years.

I suggested to go to Victoria Rossa English Tea Room as the place for our girls talk. I have always been wanted to visit this place. I saw many people checked in and the reviews of this cafe are pretty good. Undoubtedly, the presence of GPS helped us to arrive the destination safely, although we had incurred some problems in searching the place. lol

were so delighted at the moment we stepped inside. Definitely a place for a princess to live. I wonder if there is a princess lives upstairs.loll Unfortunately, the section upstairs was closed probably due to less customers at that moment. :/

Our drinks.
Our pretty ladies!! It's Weiying on the left and Suen on the right.

Here comes to our tea set for 2 and raisin scone as well as cheese scone. To be honest, the tea set was just so so for me, but what surprise my taste bud was their HOMEMADE STRAWBERRY JAM! It's not as sweet as what we have in the market, it matched so well with the scones. I ended up bought a jar of the jam and also detox tea, but so sorry that I forgot how much are they as this happened about a month ago. haha
I passed by a room with its door stood ajar, I poked my head round the door to sneak a look inside.Then I was liked omg!! This is so pretty!! It would be a good idea if you ever wanted to held a party here, inside the room, no one cares. haha

 I swear we took about  hundreds of pictures by using phone and camera. haha I posted our grouped pictures taken by the waitress instead otherwise this post would be super lengthy. All the photos were taken by Canon dslr, I have no idea what model it is, I borrowed it from Jill(momo) as my camera was spoiled.

We stayed up to almost 3 hours, time passed sneakily.We were so enjoyed and nonstop chit chatting and busy to act elegant and classy. We faced failures. hahaha

We decided to go gurney to hang around Gurney Plaza and Paragon.I fetched my younger sister with us. She is currently studying in Penang Segi College, so whenever I go to Penang, I will fetch her out for dinner.

I was pleasantly surprised that Namoo is finally opened on that day!! It is quite famous in KL, I wanted to try this restaurant during my KL trip but too bad Momo and I were too stuffed. I immediately run towards the restaurant without considering ying,suen and momo if they want to eat Korean crusine.haha But they said they are fine so we had our dinner in Namoo. 

The interior is amazing, it does bring warm and friendly feelings.I somehow feel like home. loll 

These were the foods we ordered.  There are plenty choices of foods and beverages,thus took us quite some times to make our decisions. I love everything at there but NOT THEIR FOODS. It was quite terrible to me that made me felt so embarrassed to bring my friends here as I suggested to have dinner here.So sorry my girls.

The kimchi soup taste spicy and bland, no any others flavor in it, I found there were only a few slices of beef in my beef bulgogi, how ridiculous was that. The dupukki was overcooked. The seafood ramyun that my sister ordered was quite ok and the only food that I felt delighted was their SWEET POTATO CAKE. The texture is so unique and to my liking, it doesn't taste sweet, the natural sweetness came from sweet potato is excellent. However, there was no vanilla ice cream being served with the cake.?? What happened?

I have no idea it's just this branch serves foods like this because foods from branches in Kl are high rated. I ordered based on the recommendations I read on internet. This is odd.

Hehe, grouped photo without me. It's my younger sister on the left.

Tadaaaa~~hehe I love you all girls.Photo was taken by one of the warm-hearted waiter.

That's all for today ^^ I can't already wait for our next date! haha