It's a Black Monday today. How you guys doing huh? My fb is all electricity black out. ><
I remembered when I told my dad that I have a blog, he immediately warned me seriously not to discuss any political issues at here.But I feel really dissapointed,upset and angry when thinking about the election.
What we people want is F A I R and F RE E D OM!!
We have our rights to voice out!!
Why are you doing this to us?
But there's still hope out there !! DO NOT GIVE UP!!
I dont know if I should post this post at this moment but I just have so many things to share ><" Even though shits happened but we people also need to move on right?
so here we go~~!Well, I'm gonna share my favourite skin cares to you all this time :)
Heard Origins before?
It's a organic skin care.
Seriously, after using the Dr Andrew Weil series for one year plus, my skin is getting better and better !!
This happened in last year. I got a call from Origins Queensbay and was told that they listed me as one of the 10 high-valued customers .
They invited me to an event which we can check out and buy the Christmas set FIRST before anybody can because the quantity of Christmas Set selling last year was limited.
So it meant I have to rush back to Penang from Kampar on Sunday ! and that day was a day of Muslim raya or something? totally forgot what festival it was , high chance to stuck in hollyshit traffic jam~~~:(
And lucky us took 5 hours(usually one hour and half) back to Kampar on that night, we reached Kampar at 2.30am @@! we almost ran out oil, we were starved and toilet emergency ~~tsk tsk~bad memories :(
Before heading to Queensbay, we stopped at Sakae@ Auto City to have lunch,darn hungry!!
My family and I love Sakae so much! We went there to have dinner like once per week before @@! haha
I love to sit in front of the chef so that I can learn how to cook,haha! I have learned some dishes indeed! haha!
すし Sushi !! They're not selling my favourite Mango sushi anymore, so upset :(
and I tell Momo that we need to go to Japan to try the authentic sushi once in our life !
My all time favourite Kimchi Fried rice !!
Okonomiyaki !大阪烧!
Then we reached,dang dang~~~
Some light refreshments from DOME.
I was being served by their marketing manager from KL! She is really pro at marketing their products! And I love her, she is so funny! haha (I'm sry, I forgot her name >< )
With Natalie jie jie. If you're really interested to buy Origins products, find her :) She is so friendly and nice even will stop you from buying anything nonsense.LOLL( Like me, coz I was too in hurry to try all the series out,she said I must cure my sensitive skin first)haha
Yey, I went into few skin care counters before, what they made me feel is they want to boost their sales and insist me to buy everything they introduced, totally make me felt a strong antipathy towards this.
With~duhhh~couldn't remember abit at all !! see how fair she is, she has been using Origins for years!
Arh! This one I remember, my Momo~haha!!!
A little advice for you all, If you ever wanted to switch to another brand, buy the trial or starter kit first !!
If not you're wasting your money and the products as well if you found that products not suit you.
I just know that Origins will take the products back and change other series of skin care for you if after using your skin is getting any worse ! How cool is that!!! Of course is in the condition that they really see our skin turns worse after using their products.
This is the starter kit that I bought, I super love it because they really suit me well and theyare all in super cute tiny bottle. I bought the larger size one after finishing the kit.
These are the larger size one.(Cleanser and Toner are not inside because I finished them already ><) LOL
And take note:
I was told that, If there's REDNESS on your face, means your face is protecting you from enemies, if you didn't get rid of the redness, whatever skin care you put on your face IS NOT WORKING!!
I don't have any redness cause by sensitive on my face now but glowing rosy pink blush ! (means ang gie in hokkien) loll
So basically now I'm just fine with those non-sensitive products but gentle products are still my prior consideration.
From left to right:Sunblock, eye cream and spot remover!
To be honest, the sunblock didn't gain so much love from me, it's a bit sticky and I don't feel fresh, really hate stickiness :( Laneige Aqua sunblock is better. I'm currently using it :)
Sensory Therapy.It's so relax and nice!!! Go to any Origins branch to try out the tester, the beautician will teach you how to apply this one with some special steps!! Don't be shy @.* It's currently my exam best partner.
I bought this two set on that day.
I wanna switch to another series as I think my sensitive skin cured already, so I switched to the hydrating one, which is the blue set above.
The below set is mask set!
Super love the charcoal mask which reduce my blackheads which peel masks also CANNOT get rid off!
And see how many things they gifted to me, These are only half of them, I left the another half in my house,(for your information,I'm in Kampar hostel) lollllI swear those they gifted me cost about RM400 and above!!
This is already the 3rd bottle of toner that I have. I just bought it recently! Super love and is strongly recommended !!!
Am trying another brand of products, it's also organic one. These I chose are for sensitive skin, soft and gentle,perfect :)
Honestly, I'm already in love by just using them once!!
I bought this a month ago and started using recently as I used up my Origins cleanser. and I use the mist with my Origins Toner in alternate. haha
The smell of Chamomile may not easily accepted by everyone as my friends claimed it smells horrible, haha! But I'm fine with it ! Momo's skin got abit sensitive recently, I sprayed some of the mist onto her face and I really can see the effects!! Momo herself also thinks it really works.
If you wanted to try, Rosewater Balancing Mist is their best seller and is also an award winning product. The rose one was out of stock so I just went to the Chamomile one which is for sensitive skin. :)
Origins and Jurlique both are little pricey which I personally think that because they are organic, but they are natural and have no hash chemicals like the others which can harm your skin in long term. And I just love them so much !!!
Lastly, you must figure your skin type first before buying any skin cares, and choose the right one for your skin.
Hope you enjoy~haha (\^0^/)
And fighting !!
Gotta off to sing k!